We develop :
An innovative solution to welcome, guide and inform your visitors. Sweepin’s indoor location services are a unique and specific solution.
It mixes a smartphone app for your audience and a personalized management platform. Designed to streamline the traffic in your building, it saves time for your visitors and your teams.
Sweepin develops several services :
- 3D mapping
- Step-by-step indoor guidance (patented)
- Automatic admission
• Extremely precise indoor mapping, which displays on the smartphone of the visitor useful instructions at the right moment and the right location
Accompaniment at all stages of a journey
• Possibility of pre-appointment alert: Reminder SMS.
• Arrival detection
• Welcome notification
• Route and audio guidance (voice synthesis)
• Audio, video, form, survey, images, etc. : Media content is produced according to the services you want to offer
Optimized queues
• An intelligent queue management system that takes into account the arrival of your visitors automatically. Traffic inside your building is becoming more fluid and faster.
Automated information and alerts
• The arrival detection of a visitor or his presence in a specific place immediately triggers a tailor-made action. For example, the service concerned is warned of the imminent approach of his appointment.
• Alert scenarios are designed according to your needs.
Reporting and satisfaction measurement
• Comprehensive statistics on the flows and usage data of the application
• Survey module (satisfaction forms, etc.)