The suggestion box

The suggestion box

The suggestion box is a module for participative democracy, which allows your citizens to express themselves and become actors of their city.

They can suggest new things to be done in the city to improve the daily life of all. Once received, the ideas and proposals are read and examined by the city council and if possible implemented to satisfy the greatest number of people.

On the interface, users can of course describe their project, but also add photos to illustrate it. It is also possible to associate a place to the suggestion for even more precision.

It is a simple and accessible tool for all. To submit an idea, simply connect to the online interface and fill out the suggestion form. The town hall is committed to studying each idea received and providing a response to the authors, whether to inform them of the implementation of their project or to explain to them the reasons why it cannot be realized.

This tool is essential for participatory democracy as it allows citizens to become involved in the life of their city and propose concrete improvements. It is also a way for the town hall to better understand the concerns and aspirations of its constituents, and to show them that their ideas count and can be taken into account.

It is important to note that the idea box is not only intended for big ideas for change. It can also be used to make suggestions for improvements or proposals for events to animate the city. Every idea counts and can contribute to improving the quality of life for all!