Give your patients and visitors the chance to find their way around your facility in real time!
Real-time, step-by-step guidance is provided by a mobile application that patients download onto their smartphone beforehand.

1. Locate yourself on or off the premises

2. Choose your destination in the facility

3. Guide you around the facility in real time
Thanks to our patented technology, users are guided with instructions (“turn right”, “go up the stairs”…) as their smartphone locates their position in real time.
Our indoor guidance technology is based on the combined sensors of the smartphone, which is the only tool needed for guidance. It’s guidance without hardware, beacons (Bluetooth beacons) or wifi. So there’s no hardware to buy or install, no maintenance and no staff to look after.
This system can be used without any mobile network (airplane mode), which is important because there is often little network coverage in a healthcare facility, to avoid interference with medical equipment.
Last but not least, external GPS and internal navigation are coupled to optimize routes, ensuring continuity of service if the hospital has several buildings.
Information system integration:
Guidance can be integrated into the facility’s IS to retrieve appointment information, detect patients as soon as they arrive and guide them directly to their appointments, or perform automatic admission.